On Sale
KAN 7600 Portable Veterinary Anesthesia Machine

KAN 7600 table top model is a very special vet anesthesia machine. Very stable and reliable. It is used for vet hospital, vet clinic, animal zoo, farm department and so on. User friendly.
- Respiration mode: Manual mode
- Gas source: O2, quick inlet port
- O2 gas source ON/OFF switch
- O2 FLUSH: 20L /min- -75L /min
- Flow meter: O2, 0.1L /min- -12L /min, adjustable easily
- airway pressure gauge: -10cmH2O-80cmH20
- APL valve: adjustable easily, range:0-60cmH20
- Inspiration valve and expiration valve, ISO standard port, diameter 22mm
- Soda lime chamber: 1 Liter, easy to change soda lime within one minute
- Bain connector for open breath system, like Jackson circuit, Bains circuit.
- Anesthesia vaporizer: one of Enflurane, Isoflurane, Halothane and Sevoflurane.
- Supply selectatec compatible mounting bar, ISO 23mm is compatible.
- Anesthesia vaporizer can be an option.
- Trolley: 5 casters spider, two with brakes.
Standard configuration
- Anesthesia machine
- One set consumable breath circuit
- One unit reservoir bag
- One unit O2 gas source pipeline
- Vaporizer is an option and it is: $999