KeeboMed Inc. Ultrasound Equipment Featured at CVC 2017
Many in the Veterinary Field are so eager coming out of their chosen program classes and workshops at the CVC into the vast Exhibit Floor. Being able to implement these new strategies, techniques, and growth possibilities is becoming easier today; with many products and companies expanding into the Veterinary field.
Ultrasound Clinical Technique Courses Offered
KeeboMed is excited the CVC offers Clinical Programs for Imaging. It was awesome to see that the Basic Abdominal Ultrasonography Clinical Technique Course was SOLD OUT. This course helped attendees to learn techniques and to identify and examine the major abdominal organ systems. With Imaging Specialists on hand, it is a great way to get continuing education in this field.
Helping You Reach Your Imaging Needs
Providing Ultrasound Imaging Diagnostics in your practice is an optimal standard of patient care. KeeboMed Inc. was there at the CVC, August 26th through the 28th. KeeboMed wants to help you accomplish this goal, by helping you get a quality ultrasound into your practice. Check out our large selection of ultrasounds at, and see how affordable they are today!