Veterinary medical technology is amazing. We have come so far in the advancement of veterinary medicine and the medical equipment that is used daily. A big part of veterinary medicine is diagnostic testing and one of the most common diagnostic tests that veterinarians use is an ultrasound. There are several things to consider before you purchase a bovine ultrasound machine for sale.
The first thing to consider is whether you are going to purchase a new or a used machine. It is always nice to get new things, but sometimes new equipment can be a bit cost prohibitive. New equipment should come with a warranty and some type of return policy if you are not satisfied with the machine. New equipment often comes with some type of customer support, which is great if you have staff members that may need training or support with the new machine. Depending on where the used equipment is coming from you may still be able to get some type of warranty or customer support. This is not as likely if you are buying from a private owner but it is always worth looking in to. Quite often used equipment will be in great shape and it tends to cost much less than brand new equipment.
The next big consideration when thinking about buying a bovine ultrasound machine for sale is whether you want a portable or a stationary unit. There are pros and cons to owning either machine depending on what type of medical practice you have. If you have a small practice or don’t perform a lot of ultrasounds then a portable unit may be the better choice. If you perform several ultrasounds daily or have a very busy practice then a standard unit may be the best choice for you. Regardless of your final choice, do your homework ahead of time to ensure that you are making the best choice.